Monday, August 30, 2004

Too Long....

Hiddy Ho all,
It's been awhile since I was last able to type anything on this website. I would like to apologize's all related to my recent lay off. You see I was working as a Grassroots Lobbyist-not a true Lobbyist in the grandeur of Capitol Domes and world leaders. But, a lowly talker haranging poor souls all day and sometimes in the evenings to write their Congressman about various issues over the phone.
I was lucky to have been laid off as it has led me to look for better jobs and revitalized my own sense of self. Don't get me wrong, it was fun to do that type of work for awhile....hey, let's face it, it's fun to work period when you need honest money. I got to be in politics still and at the same time take a break-stop thinking and feel a little more freedom.
You see, I still never explained how I got to DC. A life long interest in the media and politics combined with a love for writing led me here......I was going crazy-feeling freaked out with nightmares of cokeheads and power driven nuts who roamed the Hollywood Hills to ever return to the Film industry.
I at least by the begining of my Senior year of college had discovered the important thing in my life. I needed to feel as if I was accomplishing something good everyday and that I wasn't just living my life in vain. Vain as in completely for myself...although the act of wanting to affect change in the world is probably vain.
Anyways, I discovered a program called the Washington Semester through my college. I had taken occupational therapy exams at this point, cried my eyes out in front of Professors and asked a million people what I should do with my life. I had gotten a variety of answers-none that really helped. I did know that Public Relations looked interesting and that I wanted some substance in my life.
I applied for the program-to go right after graduation in the Summer following college. But, first I had to find an internship-the main focus of the program. I was given a list of places to call in my specific field of interest-Public Relations. I called many places, Amtrak, Periscope Communications, and the U.S. SBA's Office of Advocacy. I interviewed with Kathryn Tobias who immediately liked me and I liked her too. She was soft spoken, kind, and liked people. She grew up in Iowa and Racine, WI just like me. She was the child of missionaries-I was the child of a Pastor. Kathryn's kindness allowed me to interview with Jody Wharton the head of the Department of Information in the Office.
Jody liked me too and I quickily received an invitation to work at the Office that Summer in 2002. I still remember my first day in DC riding the Metro from Rosslyn to work at Federal Center Southwest. I loved the sunshine, the way people were so excited and nice. I loved the energy of DC. It feels good here, Kathy said it was 'because people feel their lives have purpose and they are here to do something great.' I would still like to think I will find that purpose but, it hasn't been that easy.
That Summer, I worked for the Office doing press releases, editing economic reports, writing economic report summaries, researching and writing a legal memo on the Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel. I went to the Hill for hearings and learned how to feel embarassed at being a lowly intern who felt superior to the true interns who acted like children in the courtyards and halls.
I loved working in that office and wished I could have stayed there...but all the people were older and had much more career experience than I did.....they all told me to go to the Hill. They said it was 1/3 of DC and I needed to work for a Congressman to learn the city and politics. I was scared. I hadn't spent my life working on politics as a career. I enjoyed it as a dinner debate and party discussion-best done when everyone was drunk and happy....
Now, I would have to approach it seriously as a career and my past in Entertainment stood out from my resume like a bad hang over. People kept asking me about it in interviews and wondering if I really belonged in Hollywood. I don't know why.......the next part is hard to believe but, I went home from DC for a month. I came back and lived with two friends of a former co-worker. It was hard, their house contained two cats and a dog. I am deathly allergic to cats and felt tormented. But, I also was fearful of DC as a new place-I wasn't used to driving around and got lost in Anacostia once.....I couldn't find a decent apartment and was tired all the time.
I finally went back to Riverplace and got an apartment there to move into the next month. I came back to DC on the same day John Lee Malvo started his killing spree. Weird. That Saturday I went out to do campaign work for Representative Connie Morella through the NRCC and met a girl who was doing volunteer work for the NRCC. She asked me if I would take a job working for Congressman Greg Ganske. She said they needed a Staff Assistant and it would be my foot onto the Hill. I thought about it all day and finally agreed. I sent her my resume that week and after a week and a half-they asked me to come to the office.
It was great experience but, the Congressman was running a hard race agains Senator Tom Harkin. He was basically outnumbered and needed help he wouldn't get..some say he just didn't have the stuff Senator's are made of....others say Harkin is a tough candidate to beat. I don't want to get into why he lost or why he ran..he saw an opportunity to be a Senator and he took it.....I saw an opportunity to be on the Hill and I took it.