Saturday, May 26, 2007

Hilary Books

This drudge report posted article, about Hilary Clinton's relationship with her husband seems to be dead on about her personality.
"The Post said Mrs Clinton emerges as a "complicated, sometimes compromised figure who tolerated Bill Clinton's brazen infidelity, pursued her policy and political goals with methodical drive".

What I am confused about is why the Left and especially the New York Times is trying to hurt the Senator's chances in the Presidential race. She is their best option. Maybe it's backlash because she voted for the war?

The New York Times writer for Her Way seems to have it in her for 'her way' to the Whitehouse. At least I would think that if I believed the articles from the Washington Post and those on Drudge.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The View 05/24/07- Rosie and Joy loose their minds
If you haven't seen today's episode of the View you should use the link above to watch it. Basically, Joy Behar goes off on the President, calls for his resignation and asks Al Gore to run while ranting all the time. Elizabeth Hasslebeck got angry and soon Rosie O'Donnell was into the argument as well. It looked tense but also funny.

This is the space where I would like to thank Rosie O'Donnell and Joy Behar for helping the Republicans win the next election for President. Their angry ranting devoid of any understanding of policy or specific situations only alienates voters from the left. In other words, Joy Behar demanding people watch Al Gore on CNN as he promotes his book and and business is nothing but a turn off to moderate voters. And more importantly, the ranting of those two against the President does nothing but make the left look bad.

Really, the co-host Cheri Shepard pointed out and this is true whatever mistakes the President made, and if you think Al Gore never made any in his job as Vice President you are sadly mistaken, 'he didn't sleep with an intern' about Bill Clinton as a contrast to President Bush and Joy Behar replied 'well maybe he should have-'. Huh? That statement only demonstrates the reasons Americans are uncomfortable with the Left. They may not be cool with the Republicans all the time, I personally did not like the Harriet Miers escapade in 2006, but the liberals are so out of touch with reality in their accusations that it's obvious they have nothing in common with regular people. It's Hollywooditis I think..

Joy Behar opened with a statement about all the things she didn't like about the President, not realizing that they are all things that have been explained or resolved. I don't know why the opinion of Jimmy Carter and Al Gore who are both Democrats-that obviously don't agree with Republicans should be considered experts to decide who should be in office and who should be out? But Joy Behar apparently thinks so..

I can agree with the statement that Alberto Gonzalez should be out of office by now. Then again, I think most people who have followed the situation think that too. Worse even, is that Rosie O'Donnell lost it and she is angry, she blames Elizabeth Hasslebeck for egging her into saying that 9/11 was a government conspiracy. A statement that did nothing but destroy her credibility and probably led to her job loss. Maybe EH isn't responsible and didn't really egg her into it, but that is the perception of the event. It was crazy to listen to Rosie say she wanted to state her opinions and then go back to doing what Elizabeth Hasslebeck accused her of by continuing to try and use E.H. as someone to bounce them off of.... eck.

The media has not portrayed Rosie as a big mean Lesbian, she's done that all on her own, I haven't even heard anyone say that unless you count radio shows in the morning who make everyone look bad. The worst part is that as they were fighting Cheri Shepard was saying 'this is why I like to watch Dancing with the Stars'. And the audience who started out cheering for people as they fought began to cheer for Cheri's statement - the arguing just got old.

More so, it's just way too obvious that there were a lot of hurt feelings on the set about friendships over political arguments. And when EH started to fight back by referencing Rosie's fight with Donald Trump she either accessed the fact that Rosie is not even keeled or likes to get attention by figthing in the headlines or both. Either way, I came out of it thinking Rosie is nuts. And even that maybe Joy was trying to state ideas for Rosie's benefit that Rosie no longer felt comfortable saying, but cannot stop.

What is very clear is that the Liberals about two years ago repeated the mistake that the Republicans made in the 90's. We had Clinton derangement syndrome, I admit I personally suffered, and apologize now for the way I behaved when I was younger and more wily. . Well the Left obviously has it now and needs help. Stop ranting, stop raving about things that are done, stop making wild accusations.

What is so sad is that the View used to be this cute show. The hosts were like the Spice Girls, Barbara was older sophisticated spice, Joy was Italian big city liberal mama spice, Elizabeth was young mommy conservative spice, and I don't know where Rosie fit into that.. they used to be fun and good natured. The show was fun and they all addressed politics but it was very light. The show today makes you miss Meredith Viera. No wonder they wanted her at the Today show, she's such a professional upbeat presence.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

McCain-Kennedy Bill

Today at 6:00 pm the U.S. Senate reached an agreement on the so called Amnesty bill. This bill would allow many illegal immigrants to stay in this country and apply for the Z-visa. This is the bill that Mitt Romney referred to in the debate on Tuesday night-the infamous McCain-Kennedy proposal.

Senator Jon Kyl was just on Hannity and Colmes and he did confirm that the bill does offer amnesty. This bill could hit McCain hard since the bill seems to treat the immigration issue as if the U.S. had no control over the problem. It's really weird, the bill offers amnesty with a variety of easily removed restrictions. I really just don't get it, and apparently I'm not alone.

I know the Democrats have been fired up by the Hollywood contingent on this issue. I say that because everyone from Newsweek, to Cosmopolitan, US Weekly has covered the fact that Adrienne Shelly was killed by a mexican illegal immigrant last Fall. Shelly was a well respected Hollywood actress and director, with a family, living in New York when she was brutually murdered. Her death fired up many people in that community on the issue of managing immigrants as I can't imagine a lot of the Hollywood Liberals wanted them sent home. Oh no, who would clean their mansions? And then there are the Republicans.

It's true that the Republicans have been worried about alienating hispanic voters by not being 'fair' enough. Who I guess they assume are mostly not legal themselves? There is a very strong lobby by the commerce minded groups to keep the illegals here and free to work. I have to wonder if any campaign contributions were made to grease the wheels of this piece of legislation. It just makes the party look sketchy for rushing the bill and Sen. McCain will probably pay for sponsoring this bill with his campaign for President.

Excuse me, while I go all Tancredo on this issue. There is no reason that all the illegal immigrants could not be rounded up, the border clamped down, and the criminals sent home. It seems that the politicians are so happy to pander to voters that they are not thinking with their heads on either side. The businesses want the immigrants and the illegals want to stay? Who cares about the long term effects or what happens to the current citizens of this country or the message it sends to the rest of the world.

This bill treats our own government like it was helpless and inept. Oh, well, maybe that's the message, that the U.S. Government is so uselss it can't even manage the job of removing illegal immigrants from this country. In fact, it's not the job of removing them that has kept our own government from taking action but, the wonderful dollars that come from the business lobby. And so, we should offer the illegals enticement packages so we can provide for them better? I know it's not so we can scoop them up and send them home.

What really makes me angry is that our country should reserve space for refugees and those who are willing to wait in line with respect to become citizens of this country. We are selling out our own values and ourselves if we continue in this same vein of behavior with illegal immigration.

Who knows? Maybe I will be wrong, maybe this Z-visa and it's requirements will work. Maybe. Right now, I am not feeling hopeful.

Dating and Fashion have nothing to do with Political Party

I have to say it really annoys me when I read these articles. The Politico did one a few months ago when they argued about who was the more attractivly dressed political party. And I understand the desire to debate the issue. I mean it's so much less stressful than talking about terrorism.

But the reality is that people in politics do not generally dress well period. We worry about looking trustworthy and responsible, unless you are Jessica Cutler than you worry about looking 'hot' in the cheapest sense of the word. I say we do not dress well because compared to the other major cities we are just boring here inside the beltway.

I came here 5 years ago with the determined opinion that I would dress in my own style but try to tone it down for the city. I found things have loosened up, it happened about 2 years ago, long before the Dems were in Congress. Sorry! I think it has more to do with my generation being more conscious of trends and taking more time to dress in a fashionable manner. Also, in 2005 Condoleeza Rice made the boldest change and statement by wearing a fabulous suit to France that inspired oohs, aaahs, and hey that looks like something from the Matrix, statements.

It made the point to the city and the country that a woman can dress well and be respectable. I think a lot of Republican women dress better because they try to dress in a classy feminine manner. They actually worry that if they don't dress 'up' so to speak that they will get confused with the wrong party. Everybody knows that a certain number of liberal women dress down in order to 'fight the male power' it means that some staffers show up in outfits that fit my college days better than working in a congressional office. So the republican women make their preference known by dressing up more, that doesn't save us from those who are just downright dowdy.

Some women in DC just don't have taste no matter the political party and feel safest in boring, too big, blag clothes. Then there are the men, most men just don't dress well on their own, republican men wear suits a lot, they like their red ties and white shirts. I find Democrats can dress that way or occasionally the men show up dressed like the lead singer of the 'Killers.' It's not a bad thing but I have to say it is confusing since your dress should show respect for the people you are speaking to or working for? And then there are the men who favor 'Stetsons' who almost always dress well for obvious reasons.

Eh, I myself as a libertarian conservative find myself walking the line all the time, but when I go to a meeting, I put on a suit and I try to pull back on the accessories. You know who dresses well and always has in DC? Lobbyists. You know who has lots of freedom and dress in all sorts of varities of clothing? Journalists. Yep.

I can say that fashion for men has gotten noticeably better as more men sport the 'pink' ties and show more comfort in that part of their wardrobe. Even the Heritage Foundation has introduced a think tank centric pink tie.

The truth of the matter is that certain individuals dress well and they influence those around them, as people in the spotlight have loosened up and dressed in a more fashionable manner so have the worker bees. Most importantly, we all know someone who dresses well and makes it work for their job, and for me it seems to be regardless of party and has more to do with the person.

Just last week-end someone asked me why I was dressed up, and I said 'because it makes me happy'. I actually thought the outfit was just right for what I was doing at the time, and the person doing the asking was significantly more relaxed. So in the end, I think saying someone's style of dress is about their political party-saying Dems dress better: is a matter of taste, BIAS of the media and liberals, and well dumb. Really.

So-onto dating, this is easy, I dated several liberals before I married a conservative man. All the liberal men cheated on me, while they were super fun, they were nothing but short lived. I'm sure there are some nice liberal men out there who are good in relationships, but I've only met one to this date.

I think when you throw new people on the hill, it's like open season-fresh meat as they say and no matter the political party, things are more interesting-for a minute. I think players always have women to play with and how you dress, your age, and position mean more than party. It's true I think women might in the begining like a guy who is high up on a committee, but that would be for the Dem girls at this time. I can tell you the Republican women at this time are more likely to be annoyed at the newly positioned Democrat men, not turned on... And as far as I can tell Men never seem to care about political party and always about other things first, like personality and yes, looks.

And as far as getting better tables, I haven't had any problems getting good tables. But that's because I treat the restaurant staff well. Maybe a name drop helps in getting a good table for the Dems. But what about all the Republicans in the White House, I know for a fact they still get special treatment. Any seasoned DC businessperson knows that tables switch very fast in this town and treating one group with too much of a preference at the pricey joints is a bad idea. There have been certain establishments that catered to a group like 'Signatures' but that was owned by a lobbyist and for his clients. You see there was no business person trying to weather the decades of this city in charge. And the bars on the Hill? Well they are subject to the fact that they take whatever crowd is at the bar stool, doesn't matter. In fact what matters there is your relationship to the bartender and how you present yourself, note: don't annoy them.

So what I am trying to say is that clothing, dates, service all really depend on the person wearing, doing and receiving them. How you behave has more affect than your political party and of course money always talks.

Despearte, Fake, Beauty, and Paris?

(This post was written on Sunday of this week.)
So, I am watching the second to last episode of Desperate Housewives, it is a good comeback at the end of the season. There were just so many breaks this year, I guess due to Marcia Cross's babies, but it actually got me just plain not watching anymore for awhile. I am so into the last episode that I am taking time from my vacation at a fabulous resort next week-end to watch it.

Sooo, I love that Us Weekly has started addressing their less fact conscious competiton, In Touch and Life and Style. They have started a section called the 'Fake' news, I only wish they would start something for themselves like the 'filler' section. They could then practice a mea culpa for making people look at pictures of morons like Spencer and Heidi Montag from The Hills.

The fact is, neither of them have any real work, in fact they don't work for a living. Despite all their parent's money for stylists, coaches or whatever, the completely human draining lives they lead have taken any and all charismatic qualities from them. You have to have something internal that is compelling to be a true star.

I think I heard Tyra Banks talk about it a million times in the ANTM marathon yesterday! Love it! It's true, I didn't know people in Hollywood thought that way, but it's the making of a celebrity. The worst part is I am fairly convinced that Heidi is just a %I think I heard Tyra Banks talk about it a million times in the ANTM marathon yesterday! Love it! It's true, I didn't know people in Hollywood thought that way, but it's the making of a celebrity. The worst part is I am fairly convinced that Heidi is just a %I think I heard Tyra Banks talk about it a million times in the ANTM marathon yesterday! Love it! It's true, I didn't know people in Hollywood thought that way, but it's the making of a celebrity. The worst part is I am fairly convinced that Heidi is just a %I think I heard Tyra Banks talk about it a million times in the ANTM marathon yesterday! Love it! It's true, I didn't know people in Hollywood thought that way, but it's the making of a celebrity. The worst part is I am fairly convinced that Heidi is just a %$&# to other girls because she is so jealous, and the jealousy probably comes from the same part of her that makes her so gross.
amp;# to other girls because she is so jealous, and the jealousy probably comes from the same part of her that makes her so gross.
amp;# to other girls because she is so jealous, and the jealousy probably comes from the same part of her that makes her so gross.

Please, her boyfriend is an idiot who does not work for a living and when he does, if he does it will be due to a favor or bought. And it's already been establised in multiple interviews and a TV show that he is an uncharismatic unlikeable person.

And in the end, I just don't care that yet again Heidi Montag is too stupid to stop being a domestic abuse victim in the press for all the world to see..nothing makes a person less cool than if their first foray into the public light only shows low self-esteem, bad judgement and a treacherous personality. I don't care if her boyfriend called up the paparazzi to see him do push ups while she sits on his back to show off her new nose and boobs at the beach-this apparently was a good idea to the people at Us Weekly. WRONG

They are unlikeable people. This is important, no more coverage of unemployed or barely employed rich people who have no education or goals and grew up in Hollywood. It's old.
Yes I know it worked to put Paris up and Nicole to entertain the public, but they had a show at the time. Today, Nicole gets in trouble for DUI's a lot which fufills a schaedenfraud quota and dates a reasonably well known musician. OH and she has a show which she stars in... ya know.

Paris is not good to cover as E! did a poll for 2007 that voted her the #1 person America would like to hear less about, and it's true, morbid drug enduced stupidity, brattiness and sluttiness in a famous person who lives in Hollywood, is only entertaining for so long. Really, the best part of Paris' news this week is that it meant someone was finally taking her in hand to teach her how to be a human.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

May, Us Weekly Comments

So, I am watching the second to last episode of Desperate Housewives, it is a good comeback at the end of the season. There were just so many breaks this year, I guess due to Marcia Cross's babies, but it actually got me just plain not watching anymore for awhile. I am so into the last episode that I am taking time from my vacation at a fabulous resort next week-end to watch it.

Sooo, I love that Us Weekly has started addressing their less fact conscious competiton, In Touch and Life and Style. They have started a section called the 'Fake' news, I only wish they would start something for themselves like the 'filler' section. They could then practice a mea culpa for making people look at pictures of morons like Spencer and Heidi Montag from The Hills.

The fact is, neither of them have any real work, in fact they don't work for a living. Despite all their parent's money for stylists, coaches or whatever, the completely human draining lives they lead have taken any and all charismatic qualities from them. You have to have something internal that is compelling to be a true star.

I think I heard Tyra Banks talk about it a million times in the ANTM marathon yesterday! Love it! It's true, I didn't know people in Hollywood thought that way, but it's the making of a celebrity. The worst part is I am fairly convinced that Heidi is just a %I think I heard Tyra Banks talk about it a million times in the ANTM marathon yesterday! Love it! It's true, I didn't know people in Hollywood thought that way, but it's the making of a celebrity. The worst part is I am fairly convinced that Heidi is just a %I think I heard Tyra Banks talk about it a million times in the ANTM marathon yesterday! Love it! It's true, I didn't know people in Hollywood thought that way, but it's the making of a celebrity. The worst part is I am fairly convinced that Heidi is just a %I think I heard Tyra Banks talk about it a million times in the ANTM marathon yesterday! Love it! It's true, I didn't know people in Hollywood thought that way, but it's the making of a celebrity. The worst part is I am fairly convinced that Heidi is just a %$&# to other girls because she is so jealous, and the jealousy probably comes from the same part of her that makes her so gross.
amp;# to other girls because she is so jealous, and the jealousy probably comes from the same part of her that makes her so gross.
amp;# to other girls because she is so jealous, and the jealousy probably comes from the same part of her that makes her so gross.

Please, her boyfriend is an idiot who does not work for a living and when he does, if he does it will be due to a favor or bought. And it's already been establised in multiple interviews and a TV show that he is an uncharismatic unlikeable person.

And in the end, I just don't care that yet again Heidi Montag is too stupid to stop being a domestic abuse victim in the press for all the world to see..nothing makes a person less cool than if their first foray into the public light only shows low self-esteem, bad judgement and a treacherous personality. I don't care if her boyfriend called up the paparazzi to see him do push ups while she sits on his back to show off her new nose and boobs at the beach-this apparently was a good idea to the people at Us Weekly. WRONG

They are unlikeable people. This is important, no more coverage of unemployed or barely employed rich people who have no education or goals and grew up in Hollywood. It's old.
Yes I know it worked to put Paris up and Nicole to entertain the public, but they had a show at the time. Today, Nicole gets in trouble for DUI's a lot which fufills a schaedenfraud quota and dates a reasonably well known musician. OH and she has a show which she stars in... ya know.

Paris is not good to cover as E! did a poll for 2007 that voted her the #1 person America would like to hear less about, and it's true, morbid drug enduced stupidity, brattiness and sluttiness in a famous person who lives in Hollywood, is only entertaining for so long. Really, the best part of Paris' news this week is that it meant someone was finally taking her in hand to teach her how to be a human.

May, Us Weekly Comments

So, I am watching the second to last episode of Desperate Housewives, it is a good comeback at the end of the season. There were just so many breaks this year, I guess due to Marcia Cross's babies, but it actually got me just plain not watching anymore for awhile. I am so into the last episode that I am taking time from my vacation at a fabulous resort next week-end to watch it.

Sooo, I love that Us Weekly has started addressing their less fact conscious competiton, In Touch and Life and Style. They have started a section called the 'Fake' news, I only wish they would start something for themselves like the 'filler' section. They could then practice a mea culpa for making people look at pictures of morons like Spencer and Heidi Montag from The Hills.

The fact is, neither of them have any real work, in fact they don't work for a living. Despite all their parent's money for stylists, coaches or whatever, the completely human draining lives they lead have taken any and all charismatic qualities from them. You have to have something internal that is compelling to be a true star.

I think I heard Tyra Banks talk about it a million times in the ANTM marathon yesterday! Love it! It's true, I didn't know people in Hollywood thought that way, but it's the making of a celebrity. The worst part is I am fairly convinced that Heidi is just a %$&# to other girls because she is so jealous, and the jealousy probably comes from the same part of her that makes her so gross.

Please, her boyfriend is an idiot who does not work for a living and when he does, if he does it will be due to a favor or bought. And it's already been establised in multiple interviews and a TV show that he is an uncharismatic unlikeable person.

And in the end, I just don't care that yet again Heidi Montag is too stupid to stop being a domestic abuse victim in the press for all the world to see..nothing makes a person less cool than if their first foray into the public light only shows low self-esteem, bad judgement and a treacherous personality. I don't care if her boyfriend called up the paparazzi to see him do push ups while she sits on his back to show off her new nose and boobs at the beach-this apparently was a good idea to the people at Us Weekly. WRONG

They are unlikeable people. This is important, no more coverage of unemployed or barely employed rich people who have no education or goals and grew up in Hollywood. It's old.
Yes I know it worked to put Paris up and Nicole to entertain the public, but they had a show at the time. Today, Nicole gets in trouble for DUI's a lot which fufills a schaedenfraud quota and dates a reasonably well known musician. OH and she has a show which she stars in... ya know.

Paris is not good to cover as E! did a poll for 2007 that voted her the #1 person America would like to hear less about, and it's true, morbid drug enduced stupidity, brattiness and sluttiness in a famous person who lives in Hollywood, is only entertaining for so long. Really, the best part of Paris' news this week is that it meant someone was finally taking her in hand to teach her how to be a human.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Entourage Season 3

Short thoughts, on Entourage
I notice more clearly in this season that Ari is really a mirror image of Vince. He is smarter a professional and married with a family. But he takes risks, is supposed to be more passionate and committed to projects than other people in his profession.

What's really interesting to me is in the Sorry Ari episode it is Vince's mistakes and childish behavior that ultimately cost Vince his career and relationship with Ari. He rejects scripts, tells off the entire industry that made him rich, and is lazy than blames his frustrated agent. Ari's character is rightfully put off from working harder for him because he has stopped expressing interest. And Ari's only mistake is really Vince's fault ultimately for putting Ari in that position.

BTW-I love the part where the Dana Gordon character says 'Put your hands on me, I scream rape' when the security tries to usher her out of her office.