Thursday, December 23, 2004

Passion for life

Is it possible that people are addicted to conflict?I think this question would have a fairly obvious answer for anyone who works in politics. I mean certain people-we sad souls that devote ourselves, or at least the most neurotic part to the drive to vanquish a certain enemy or foe?
Osama Bin Laden is a great example of someone who is addicted to conflict. I believe has outright admitted that he cannot live without a cause. Well, he says that even if the U.S. is no longer an issue to him one day, he will just look for the next threat to his empire or the Muslim world. (Well, I personally think it's mostly his empire-hopefully he'll be dead or in a prison before that becomes an option. ) But what about the average person-who needs no nuclear weapons or desires anyone's actual physical death?

I ask this because I hear too often these days-that life is boring after the presidential race. Saturday night live is boring, the news is boring, normal American life is boring. And I start to think that maybe a certain number of people are obsessed with- driven by the force of the fight to win an election or contest of some sort.
Anyways, I too have an obsession with the race to disempower those I cannot stand the influence of.. while I was starting to get a headache during the last week of the election from the endless rantings of liberal politicos and my own obsession with Bush' s kick butt win for the safety of our country-I find myself now strangely...empty. Much of my merrymaking time revolves around the image of those in the media-who annoy me.

I have come to grips with the fact that I like to analyze, tear apart, and make fun of certain media personalities in the Nation's capitol and Hollywood. Take for example Senate Minority leader Tom Daschle: Nothing makes me happier than ripping on Tom Daschle-I can still dissect in detail his ridiculous rants against the president during the Winter of 2003 on CNN and other media outlets. I really like doing it.
In my mind's eye political cartoon style-I would depict Daschle as a small puffy white poodle nipping at Bush's pant legs. That's really how I see him most of the time.
But what is this? Can it be? It seemed like only yesterday (the Fall of 2002) that Rep. Thune lost his race in South Dakota to Senator Tim Johnson and their were mutterings of the future battle to come with Daschle for his seat in the senate in 2004. Tom Daschle has been defeated and Representative Thune is now going to be Senator Thune come January 2005.

Article and link:
"SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — In a political seismic shock, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle went down in defeat Tuesday, edged by former U.S. representative John Thune after a bruising, $26-million contest in which Republican leaders went all out to depose the country's top-ranking Democrat."

-I thought this event would make me ecstatic. Maybe it was because I stayed up so late waiting to hear Bush had won-or that Kerry was going to sue on election night-but, I felt strangely happy and.....hollow. I loved ripping on Daschle and he really was inane most of the time. He probably won't dissappear entirely- I'm sure there is a position waiting for him somewhere in politics, but without the status of Senate Minority Leader-why would he be any fun to pick on, I mean seriously. And Senator Harry Reid just hasn't been any fun so far-who knows? Maybe he will be more meaty as time passes into the new congress this Spring.

Then the next shoe dropped, Britney Spears has finally utterly come to a hault. At least for the moment.
Article and link:
Babe Gone Horribly Wrong Britney Alexander Federline: Yikes. What was I thinking? For that matter, what has she been thinking ever since she blew it with Justin, dyed her hair, momentarily teamed up with Jason A. Alexander and moved on to whiskered fertile one Kevin F.? It would be like if Jennifer Aniston left Brad Pitt for Fred Durst and then for Kato Kaelin, and then did her hair in a brown shag. Ms. B., you were once a sexy siren in the making (yes, I realize that was mucho part of the prob). But come back to the Superstar Five and Dime, Britney Spears, Britney Spears! We miss you, girlfriend! Of course, that's like expecting a millionaire makeover for...(

And Scene! You see there is no one better to rip on than the Britster-because she offers that loveable and intoxicating combination of entertainment value with an utter lack of self respect. So, I can always rip on her and people actually know who she is-whereas most Americans really don't know Tom Daschle or Tom Thune. It's sad but true.

I have passed many a dull hour ripping on her songs-her desire to be like Madonna and being a pale shadow at best, her utter lack of talent-the fact that she is a marketing phenom. The way she degrades women everywhere-asking why she is still around? I share the same addiction that many people have admitted to-we love to hate her.

But, her recent marriage and public failures have made her a pitiful and marginilized celebrity.
I can't feel good picking on her anymore. I sound like a fan who keeps going why? Why did she marry Federline-didn't he just get some other woman pregnant and doesn't he have more kids already?

So, I'm left at Christmastime wondering why my life revolves around ripping so much-when I try to be so positive otherwise? And WHO? I mean WHO, will take their places? Because these days, I've got a lot to be happy about in life. Bush has been reelected and Gwen Stefani has a dance album out. The Conservatives are attacking Arlen Specter (YAH! Get him!) and Rummy(Donald Rumsfeld). It just doesn't feel the same.......and by the way MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! And Happy New Year's!!!

Cheers Kids!!!!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Figuring it out

As many of you know, the point of this blog is my career search/ struggle. It's interesting how in the last two years, well three years, I have made my way through a number of different practices. And it was only about 4 months ago that I made a real decision to pursue PR.
It was taking courses in the field at the University of Virginia that caused me to want to pursue this arena. It' s certainly a risky field, you can be fired easliy, it's competitive, and people generally don't respect you. They think PR people are inane.
What's funny though is how much work the field takes....and how people take it for granted

On the other hand, the best feeling in the world is knowing what I want to do for a living-if I could just get a job in it...I've spent a lot of time trying to get a job in Politics and gotten nowhere. But, I haven't given up the idea that I will do something in the field one day again professionally.

Right now, I am temping at this Association as an Office Manager. It's weird, I have a huge office, I make plans for the board, have my own assistant. But, I usually end up feeling like a glorified stapler or worse like the guy from "Office Space" the movie. Ya know-the middle management jackass? I carry around my cup of coffee, delegate stapling responsibilities and dream of my job in PR.

The good thing is I can do interviews and continue to look for work in PR while making money.
Until they get tired of me doing interviews and hire someone new who WANTS TO BE A GLORIFIED SECRETARY.

It could be worse though, I could be unemployed or worse working for some crazy congressman with an even crazier staff. That's the most important thing-don't work for or with people who are crazier than you! It's always a mistake. They can be the same or saner-although it's a bum deal for them-but you must avoid the crazies on a different level from you. You won't speak their language and no matter how nice you are-they will hate you for it.

I sound bitter? Bitter, you say? Well, it's time for me to have more of the creme brulee, raspberry chocolate croissant experiences that we all hope for and have in life. It's been too long for me on a diet of bitter herbs and dried jerky in the work world. I do my best, but it's been my turn for a roll on the BadJobs Train. At least I can tell myself that this is true for most people-at some point in their life-everyone goes through this......

Although some people act as if they have never had anything bad happen and have no sense of how to treat other people with compassion. I went to an interview on the hill with this Press Secretary who was looking for a Press Assistant in her ad. She called me in and when I arrived she told me that she had decided to interview all the candidates for the Deputy Position and not promote her Press Assistant.

I was nowhere near qualified for the Deputy position and she had totally done me a disservice. She took time away from my job-cost me money-and insulted me. To top it off, she then preceded to yawn her way through the interview. She dressed like a slut and had her bra hanging out at the interview. I don't know that woman's problem-and I don't care. She has a bad reputation so, I guess she earned it.

What I hate is that I am still having to go through this bull. And I will keep doing it until I get to my goal job...but it's taken me awhile to figure this out.....that I want and have to go through this process to get what I want and won't be happy until I get to my goal.