Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Figuring it out

As many of you know, the point of this blog is my career search/ struggle. It's interesting how in the last two years, well three years, I have made my way through a number of different practices. And it was only about 4 months ago that I made a real decision to pursue PR.
It was taking courses in the field at the University of Virginia that caused me to want to pursue this arena. It' s certainly a risky field, you can be fired easliy, it's competitive, and people generally don't respect you. They think PR people are inane.
What's funny though is how much work the field takes....and how people take it for granted

On the other hand, the best feeling in the world is knowing what I want to do for a living-if I could just get a job in it...I've spent a lot of time trying to get a job in Politics and gotten nowhere. But, I haven't given up the idea that I will do something in the field one day again professionally.

Right now, I am temping at this Association as an Office Manager. It's weird, I have a huge office, I make plans for the board, have my own assistant. But, I usually end up feeling like a glorified stapler or worse like the guy from "Office Space" the movie. Ya know-the middle management jackass? I carry around my cup of coffee, delegate stapling responsibilities and dream of my job in PR.

The good thing is I can do interviews and continue to look for work in PR while making money.
Until they get tired of me doing interviews and hire someone new who WANTS TO BE A GLORIFIED SECRETARY.

It could be worse though, I could be unemployed or worse working for some crazy congressman with an even crazier staff. That's the most important thing-don't work for or with people who are crazier than you! It's always a mistake. They can be the same or saner-although it's a bum deal for them-but you must avoid the crazies on a different level from you. You won't speak their language and no matter how nice you are-they will hate you for it.

I sound bitter? Bitter, you say? Well, it's time for me to have more of the creme brulee, raspberry chocolate croissant experiences that we all hope for and have in life. It's been too long for me on a diet of bitter herbs and dried jerky in the work world. I do my best, but it's been my turn for a roll on the BadJobs Train. At least I can tell myself that this is true for most people-at some point in their life-everyone goes through this......

Although some people act as if they have never had anything bad happen and have no sense of how to treat other people with compassion. I went to an interview on the hill with this Press Secretary who was looking for a Press Assistant in her ad. She called me in and when I arrived she told me that she had decided to interview all the candidates for the Deputy Position and not promote her Press Assistant.

I was nowhere near qualified for the Deputy position and she had totally done me a disservice. She took time away from my job-cost me money-and insulted me. To top it off, she then preceded to yawn her way through the interview. She dressed like a slut and had her bra hanging out at the interview. I don't know that woman's problem-and I don't care. She has a bad reputation so, I guess she earned it.

What I hate is that I am still having to go through this bull. And I will keep doing it until I get to my goal job...but it's taken me awhile to figure this out.....that I want and have to go through this process to get what I want and won't be happy until I get to my goal.

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