Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Movies for a Twenty Something

I must admit as much as I hate to say it 'I heart Huckabees' and 'Gardenstate' have really captured my generation. I don't mean the Gen'x'ers. I mean the rest of us, who wallow in the shadow of 'Reality Bites'. We question ourselves, we probably think too much of therapy. But, we find some meaning in our questioning and our therapies. If you've been to college, you've been told to think with your feelings too many times. And yet, you have never really asked yourself the hard questions that would end the whole bloody narcissistic process.
What do I really want to do? Can I do it? Why do I want to do it?
Whether you are a Libertarian, Democrat, Republican, or Moderate with a hard d-you will find a small part of yourself in these films-even if you say you are 'apolitical' I will write more later..in the meantime-watch these movies.

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