Tuesday, July 12, 2005

First this on the Today Show from Tom Cruise,
"Before I was a Scientologist, I never agreed with psychiatry," Cruise said. "And when I started studying the history of psychiatry, I understood more and more why I didn't believe in psychology. ... And I know that psychiatry is a pseudo science."
Disputing the effectiveness of antidepressants generally, Cruise said, "all it does is mask the problem." He added, "There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance."

Then this from Brooke Shields, "To suggest that I was wrong to take drugs to deal with my depression, and that instead I should have taken vitamins and exercised shows an utter lack of understanding about postpartum depression and childbirth in general," the actress wrote.
"If any good can come of Mr. Cruise's ridiculous rant, let's hope that it gives much-needed attention to a serious disease."

AND now this,
'Tom ought to pipe down about people he doesn't know and [health] situations he hasn't experienced. You're an actor, Tom, not a med student.--Al Roker, the nicest guy in the world, in the National Enquirer. He's weighing in on the Tom Cruise versus Brooke Shields and Matt Lauer psychiatry brouhaha. In other words, Tom needs to shrink…not his head but his ego- From Eonline.

This statement supposedly made by Al Roker-really tops things off, wouldn't you say?? I mean, really, there was a BOMBING last week in London by Jihaadists and yet the Brooke Shields vs. Tom Cruise statements go on..and on..and on...while Brooke Shields promotes her new book 'Down came the Rain: My Journey through Post Partem Depression' and Tom Cruise promotes his movie 'War of the Worlds'.
And I understand no one likes a cat fight better than the American public or the media that sells to it. But, I think there is one major issue no one has bothered to consider-I mean it's been totally over looked.
THEY ARE BOTH PROMOTING PRODUCTS. Brooke wants to stand up for herself and women who are depressed? Okay. And she tells people about her issues, okay, publicly through a book, okay, then gets offended when some hyper anti-depressant vigilante doesn't like her statements???
Granted it's Tom Cruise and he is the world's biggest star, who knows how long he will last at this rate-. But that's beside the point, the point is Tom Cruise then turns around and criticizes Brooke for using anti-depressants while at the same time proclaiming the importance of SCIENTOLOGY and his movie?
What? Hello. I know he's been doing this for years, promoting his work and Scientology, but this was way over the top. He's criticizing someone for promoting something they believe in...and he's promoting what he believes in at the same time. Anti-depressants and Scientology could both be considered crutches-who knows which is worse for you-that are both used to cope with everyday albeit serious problems in life.
How one person can be right and another wrong-whatever you think about either-when they are both out promoting a product? They can't, they can only be hypocrites and annoying at that....Tom, you used to be so hot in Top Gun. Brooke, you were a pretty baby. Now, stop fighting and act like adults..oooh, that might be hard when you are on a Hollywood press junket....

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