Saturday, June 23, 2007

An Unmighty Heart.

This recent deridment of the film a Might Heart was interesting, but I can't quite feel sympathy for Asra Q. Nomani who says that she signed off on the film and gave approval because she was 'seduced by Hollywood.' It's not much of an excuse for letting them take a person you loved and cared about-be used as a vehicle for two very egotistical actors to make themselves some money and feel self important.

I would have believed better and more fully that it was an ego boost to be wooed by Hollywood but much more importantly, when Mariane sold the rights to her book, she sold her right to control the way Daniel Pearl was presented. And thereby, the author of the article above never really had a say in how her former friend was presented because it was Mariane's choice.

A common and overlooked issue in Hollywood is that most writer's of scripts or even the book writers have no real say in how the final product turns out. That is up to the Producers and the Director. Some writers do fight for more control and usually end up with a swift kick in the face once the product was sold. As one co-worker at E! Entertainment told me there is a struggle usually for the integrity of the piece 'the writer says this is my script! And the Director says but this is MY MOVIE.' And if the writer wants to continue working they shut up and take it most of the time, it takes years of work and investment to have a say in how the script and movie finally turn out for the writers.

It was a major reason why I never wanted to work in Hollywood, there is nothing worse for a writer than sweating and bleeding over a piece to see it get chopped up. Although the money can be nice and for the starved, an ample treat.

My point is at least Asra Q. Nomani of this piece did stop to state that it was a vehicle for the once entertaining now annoying Saint Angelina Jolie to once again feel self important and promote her work with the U.N. And at least she stood up to say it missed the most important points about this man that made him so charismatic and important to those who knew him.

I can't help but think though that a further investigation into this death is fruitless. He was killed by Islamic fascists who hated him for being a Jew and an American, it's pretty clear. That's it, any further digging will reveal nothing more, but may in fact make those doing the searching feel more horrible and lost at the horror of someone being snatched up and killed.

I am being tough but I think it's also impotant to remember that he was taking his life in his hands and some would say being irresponsible by leaving his wife while pregnant, to chase down terrorists. On the other hand, we need good journalists to take risks to get good information for the public back home.

One upside is that Mariane should be set for life and able to take good care of Pearl's son with the money from the book and film.

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