Monday, November 21, 2005

1960's Democrats

In a recent conversation with a friend, I discussed the oddity of the Liberal base these days. They believe it's okay to classify people by race and class. They deny that the war in Iraq is obviously different from Vietnam. And most importantly, they are hateful. I mean they are really hate filled and mean these days.

I don't understand how the party once filled with love and tolerance, hippy convictions allegiances to tents and helping your fellow man-have just gone. The Democratic party today seems to be filled with obviously power driven (Hillary Clinton types.) There is no place for the more moderate Joe Lieberman's who support the war, family values and are only moderately in favor of spending for the government. Their party does not embrace them the way John McCain for all he the furor he causes-is still respected. I think this became obvious when Gore backstabbed Liberman who had once been his running mate during the last presidential cycle by endorsing Dean behind his back.

Anyways, the Democratic party today endorses anger and hate. They seek to raise a frenzy of hysteria through anti-war protests like the one here in DC a few months ago. And the one coming up in the next week with Cindy Sheehan. These protests are filled with foul mouthed and hurtful signs. Pictures and signs saying 'f---- the war' and the website sign that proudly goes through a series of arguments that say the President knew about 9/11 and let it happen-so he could invade Iraq and Afghanistan???? If you don't believe me-check out Michelle Malkin's new book. It has plenty of pics that would show you this material. Or simply hit the next anti-war protest.

You'll find the new Nazi skin head outpost, where anti-semitic hate is acceptable along with the term Neo-Con meaning not a new type of conservative-but someone who likes Jews and is manipulated by them into believing the war inIraq is good. This group of skinheads follows the Cindy Sheehan club around the country basking in the chance to express their hatred of Jews and other humans freely. The pictures and actions of these people when shown to an audience move them to tears and crying that is hard to ignore. Imagine if your child were in the military and your neighbor were putting up effigies of soldiers with signs saying 'Bush Lied, People Died'. It's certainly not the action of caring and considerate-peace loving people.

And scarely enough the Democratic party along with Fenton Communications values the chance to gather bodies and energy for their work. They don't care about the dangerous, racist anger that these people harbor for the world at large. The irony is that the Democractic party was once the party of the Civil Rights movement for Women and Minorities.

The most recent example was of Michael Steele being pelted with cookies as he made his senatorial campaign speeches in Maryland. Tell this story to a Democrat and they will laugh-tell them it's racist and they will ignore it. Why? They are ignorant, they really believe no smart Black person would choose the Republican party. The party of Lincoln, they still think it's 1969 and Jesse Helms still calls HIV a gay disease-both of which have changed.

This behavior on the part of the Democrats is blatantly racist and unfair. They would rather limit minorities and women to their limited ideas of freedom and equality than loose votes. It means they really do not believe in freedom for all and equality. In an equal country where people are truly free, they can choose whatever political party they want without racists telling them what political party they can vote with or support.

The problem is-that they don't get it! We are living in a Post Modern Society. The 1960's are over. The fight to integrate acceptance and tolerance into the U.S. civil society has been won. Accepting others, allowing women to strut their stuff, and opening the doors to minorities is part of being an educated person living today.

There will always be bigots, liars, and disgusting chauvinistic men (GUESS WHAT THEY ARE IN BOTH PARTIES and some don't even vote!), and above all racists. It is the duty of a responsible educated person to combate these behaviors-not encourage them for political gain.

But, the Democratic party in all it's Upper crust snobbery and desire to create and control a poor undernourished herd-doesn't see these facts. And they don't see how they themselves are the racists, the bigots, and the liars these days.

If you don't believe me, examine Howard Dean telling Fox News saying against the nasty protestors who threw oreo's at Michael Steele. He was on the channel the day after it happened and again last week. He said nothing the first time and when asked about it again, he told them that it was questionable-implying that it was a lie. Check it out for yourself. Don't believe me. He had a great chance to denounce these people, but he said nothing because he wants to encourage and support them. He thinks their behavior was acceptable-I guess free speech for racists is important to Howard Dean-but not denouncing them, he endorses them.

And this ladies and gentlemen is why the Democractic party is failing, they have turned nastier and nastier as they have been brought low. If they cannot let go of their race baiting, hate inspiring tendencies-they will be lost as the rest of civilized society moves forward. Or I could be wrong, people really may be so base and ignorant as to continue believing their lies. That's what Howard Dean wants to happen.

Additionally, the House vote on Friday for withdrawal from Iraq was voted down 403-3 with a few was a great move because it showed how little the Democrats stand behind their chants for ending the war. It showed that they only encourage anti war protests and their nastiness out of bitterness and anger over their own lack of power. Funny, it was a Democrat President who got us into Vietnam, and the Bosnia Herzogovina conflict. But, it was a Republican President who took those wars down to a minimum and withdrew troops. And it will be a Republican President that ends the operation in Iraq when it is time.

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