Monday, April 02, 2007

Do you resent rich celebrities?

I have to say this article above is very solid on it's statistics and asks a good question. DO you resent the super rich in Hollywood? Or in the other various entertainment fields? Sports, music, etc?

Personally, there are days when I resent Paris Hilton, Brandon Davis, Nicole Richie and some of the other endowed children of moguls. Especially, when they seem to be so bent on doing nothing but buying fame and shopping while they fight with each other out of boredom. They're gross people and I don't like them at all. And I am sick of hearing about them.

Do I resent people like Lindsey Lohan who work for their money and are bent on being crazy despite success? No. I think anyone who has earned their money through hardwork in the Entertainment fields is entitled to their wealth, I mean, we the 'American public' gave it to them. Plus it's quite clear that fame comes at a price mentally for these stars. Look at all the articles on celebrities who are checking in and out in and out of rehab centers at your local supermarket and it becomes obvious.

It does need to be asked though, a recent Newsweek issue on 'Kids' in other words teenagers asked if the public images of people like Paris Hilton affected them. And polls showed that 80% of teenagers today think it is most important to be famous and/or rich.

One response I can think of to that desire is you probably can find your 15 minutes of fame on the internet through You Tube or some reality show. The results of that experience would probably cure most people of the desire for fame in the first day.

What happened to wanting to make the world better or finding the cure for cancer? I know that was what I focused on in High School, and still do in my long term goals, although I can't get the cure for cancer-no math skills! :)

I recently visited Randolph Macon college for an event on awareness of rape and incest issues. I found a large group of people who were dedicated to changing the world. And one of the co-chairs of the event even used Helen Keller quotes in her all her emails.

I am only one; but I am still one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
I will not refuse to do the something I can do.
~Helen Keller

That doesn't give the impression that 80% of the young un's are looking for nothing but fame and fortune. Maybe Russel Roberts is right and the media is skewed due to their own lives and ideas. Really a lot of reporters have no money and feel unloved for their dogged work. (LOL) Well, join the real world.

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